Professional occupations in education services selected by trusted immigration lawyers in Colombo.

  • University professors and post-secondary assistants
    • University professors and lecturers
    • Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
  • College and other vocational instructors
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors

Professional occupations in law and social, community and government services

  • Judges, lawyers and Quebec notaries
    • Judges
    • Lawyers and Quebec notaries
  • Social and community service professionals
  • Policy and program researchers, consultants and officers

Paraprofessional occupations in legal, social, community and education services

  • Paraprofessional occupations in legal, social, community and education services
    • Paralegal and related occupations
    • Social and community service workers
    • Early childhood educators and assistants
    • Instructors of persons with disabilities
    • Other instructors
    • Other religious occupations

Occupations in front-line public protection services

  • Occupations in front-line public protection services

Care providers and educational, legal and public protection support occupations

  • Home care providers and educational support occupations
    • Home child care providers
    • Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
    • Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
  • Legal and public protection support occupations

View all Occupations in education, law and social, communitybelow

University professors and lecturers   (117)

  1. agriculture professor – university
  2. anatomy professor – university
  3. anthropology professor – university
  4. archaeology professor – university
  5. Asian studies professor – university
  6. assistant professor – university
  7. associate professor – university
  8. astronomy professor – university
  9. bacteriology professor – university
  10. biochemistry professor – university
  11. biology professor – university
  12. biomechanics professor – university
  13. botany assistant professor
  14. botany assistant professor – university
  15. botany professor – university
  16. business administration professor – university
  17. chemical engineering professor – university
  18. chemistry professor – university
  19. civil engineering professor – university
  20. classics professor – university
  21. computer science professor – university
  22. criminology professor – university
  23. dentistry professor – university
  24. department chairman/woman – university
  25. department chairperson – university
  26. department head – university
  27. drama professor – university
  28. economics professor – university
  29. education professor – university
  30. electrical engineering professor – university
  31. engineering and architecture professor – university
  32. engineering instructor – university
  33. engineering professor – university
  34. English professor – university
  35. fine arts professor – university
  36. food science professor – university
  37. food sciences department chairman/woman – university
  38. food sciences department chairperson – university
  39. food sciences department head – university
  40. forestry professor – university
  41. French language professor – university
  42. full professor – university
  43. geography department chairman/woman – university
  44. geography department chairperson – university
  45. geography department head – university
  46. geography professor – university
  47. geology professor – university
  48. geophysics professor – university
  49. history assistant professor – university
  50. history professor – university
  51. humanities professor – university
  52. hygiene professor – university
  53. industrial engineering professor – university
  54. journalism professor – university
  55. laboratory technology professor – university
  56. language professor – university
  57. law professor – university
  58. lecturer – university
  59. library science professor – university
  60. life sciences professor – university
  61. linguistics associate professor
  62. linguistics department chairman/woman – university
  63. linguistics department chairperson – university
  64. linguistics professor – university
  65. literature professor – university
  66. mathematics professor – university
  67. mechanical engineering professor – university
  68. medical sciences professor – university
  69. medicine professor – university
  70. metallurgical engineering professor – university
  71. metallurgy professor – university
  72. meteorology professor – university
  73. music professor – university
  74. natural sciences professor – university
  75. nursing professor – university
  76. oceanography professor – university
  77. pharmacy professor – university
  78. philosophy professor – university
  79. physical sciences professor – university
  80. physics department chairman/woman – university
  81. physics department chairperson
  82. physics department chairperson – university
  83. physics department head – university
  84. physics professor – university
  85. physiology professor – university
  86. political science professor – university
  87. postdoctoral fellow
  88. professor emeritus – university
  89. professor of computer science – university
  90. professor of medicine – university
  91. psychiatry professor – university
  92. psychology professor – university
  93. public administration professor – university
  94. public health professor – university
  95. recreology professor – university
  96. religion professor – university
  97. research professor – university
  98. sculpture professor – university
  99. social sciences professor – university
  100. social work professor – university
  101. sociology professor – university
  102. surgery professor – university
  103. teacher – teacher’s college
  104. theology department chairman/woman – university
  105. theology department chairperson – university
  106. theology department head – university
  107. university department head
  108. university lecturer
  109. university professor
  110. urban planning professor – university
  111. veterinary medicine professor – university
  112. visiting professor – university
  113. visiting scholar – university
  114. visual arts department chairman/woman – university
  115. visual arts department chairperson – university
  116. visual arts department head – university
  117. zoology professor – university

Post-secondary teaching and research assistants   (13)

  1. college laboratory assistant
  2. college teaching assistant
  3. discussion group leader – post-secondary teaching assistant
  4. graduate assistant – university
  5. laboratory demonstrator – post-secondary teaching assistance
  6. laboratory supervisor – post-secondary teaching assistant
  7. marker – post-secondary teaching assistance
  8. post-secondary research assistant
  9. post-secondary teaching assistant
  10. tutor – post-secondary teaching assistant
  11. university laboratory assistant
  12. university research assistant
  13. university teaching assistant

College and other vocational instructors (178)

  1. academic subjects teacher – college level
  2. accounting teacher – college level
  3. administration teacher
  4. advertising art teacher
  5. agricultural college teacher
  6. agricultural school teacher
  7. airline customer-service instructor
  8. apparel design teacher
  9. appliance servicing teacher – vocational institute
  10. applied arts teacher – college level
  11. architectural technology instructor
  12. automotive repair instructor – community college
  13. Bible college teacher
  14. Bible school teacher
  15. bookkeeping teacher
  16. business administration teacher
  17. business administration teacher – college level
  18. business college instructor
  19. business college teacher
  20. business law teacher
  21. business subjects teacher – vocational institute
  22. CEGEP teacher
  23. chemical technology teacher
  24. chemistry teacher – agricultural school
  25. child-care service teacher
  26. child-care service teacher – college level
  27. clothing design teacher
  28. college instructor
  29. college lecturer
  30. college of applied arts and technology instructor
  31. college of applied arts and technology teacher
  32. college teacher
  33. commercial art instructor
  34. commercial art teacher
  35. commercial subjects teacher – vocational institute
  36. commercial vehicle driver instructor
  37. commercial vehicle driving instructor
  38. communications teacher – college level
  39. community college instructor
  40. community college teacher
  41. community planning teacher – college level
  42. community-based trainer
  43. company trainer
  44. computer programming instructor – college level
  45. computer science teacher – college level
  46. computer trainer
  47. computer training instructor
  48. computer training representative
  49. computer-assisted drafting (CAD) instructor
  50. computer-based trainer
  51. correspondence school instructor
  52. correspondence school tutor
  53. correspondence teacher – college level
  54. court reporting instructor
  55. data-processing teacher – college level
  56. denominational institute teacher
  57. dental assistant program teacher – community college
  58. dental hygienist program teacher
  59. department chairman/woman – college
  60. department chairman/woman – community college
  61. department chairperson – college
  62. department chairperson – community college
  63. department head – CEGEP
  64. department head – college
  65. department head – community college
  66. department head – institute of technology
  67. department head – private training institute
  68. department head – technical institute
  69. department head – vocational institute
  70. direct sales instructor
  71. drafting instructor
  72. drafting instructor – college level
  73. drafting teacher
  74. drafting teacher – college level
  75. early childhood education instructor – college level
  76. early childhood education teacher – college level
  77. economics teacher – college level
  78. electrolysis instructor – vocational institute
  79. electromechanical technology teacher – college level
  80. electronic technology teacher – college level
  81. elocution teacher – non-medical
  82. embalming teacher
  83. English as a second language (ESL) teacher – college level
  84. English as a second language teacher (except elementary, high school or university)
  85. English teacher – business college
  86. English teacher – college level
  87. fashion design teacher – CEGEP
  88. fashion teacher – college level
  89. fine arts teacher – college level
  90. firefighters instructor
  91. firefighting instructor
  92. flight attendants instructor
  93. French as a second language teacher (except elementary, high school or university)
  94. general and vocational college (CEGEP) teacher
  95. gliding instructor
  96. graphic arts teacher
  97. graphic design instructor
  98. ground school instructor
  99. hairdressing instructor – vocational institute
  100. hairdressing teacher – community college
  101. health and safety instructor
  102. health technology teacher
  103. heavy equipment operators instructor – community college
  104. history teacher – CEGEP
  105. horticulture and landscaping instructor – school of horticulture
  106. hotel management teacher – college
  107. industrial instrumentation teacher
  108. industrial safety instructor
  109. industry-based instructor
  110. industry-based trainer
  111. institute of technology teacher
  112. instructor – business college
  113. instructor – commercial college
  114. instructor – company
  115. instructor – industry
  116. instructor – language school
  117. instructor – private training institute
  118. instructor – technical school
  119. instructor – technology institute
  120. instructor – vocational school
  121. interior design teacher
  122. journalism teacher – college level
  123. landscaping instructor
  124. language instructor – language school
  125. language laboratory teacher – college level
  126. language school instructor
  127. law enforcement teacher
  128. law teacher – police college
  129. lecturer – college
  130. legal assistant program teacher
  131. legal secretarial program teacher – community college
  132. management seminar leader
  133. marketing teacher – college level
  134. mathematics teacher – college level
  135. mechanical technology teacher – college level
  136. medical records management program teacher
  137. medical technology teacher
  138. mineral technology teacher – college of applied arts and technology
  139. mining rescue instructor
  140. modern languages teacher – college level
  141. modern languages tutor – language school
  142. music teacher – conservatory of music
  143. nursing educator (except college)
  144. nursing instructor – college
  145. police college teacher
  146. police instructor
  147. printing technology teacher – CEGEP
  148. professional training instructor
  149. public-speaking instructor
  150. public-speaking teacher
  151. pursers instructor
  152. recreational leadership teacher
  153. remedial teacher – college level
  154. retail management teacher
  155. second-language instructor – language school
  156. social services teacher – college level
  157. staff training officer – industry
  158. teacher – business college
  159. teacher – commercial college
  160. teacher – institute of technology
  161. teacher – seminary
  162. technical subjects instructor – vocational institute
  163. technological institute instructor
  164. technological institute teacher
  165. technological subjects instructor – vocational institute
  166. technology teacher – college level
  167. tool and die making teacher – community college
  168. tourism trainer
  169. trade instructor – community college
  170. trainee instructor
  171. training consultant – industry
  172. training instructor – college level
  173. training officer – company
  174. truck driver trainer – community college
  175. vocational institute teacher
  176. vocational trainer
  177. welding teacher – technical institute
  178. workplace trainer

Secondary school teachers (89)

  1. Aboriginal school community teacher – secondary school
  2. academic subjects high school teacher
  3. academic subjects secondary school teacher
  4. accounting teacher – secondary school
  5. adult education teacher – secondary school
  6. algebra teacher – secondary school
  7. art teacher – secondary school
  8. arts and crafts teacher – secondary school
  9. biology teacher – secondary school
  10. business and commerce teacher – secondary school
  11. business education teacher
  12. business teacher – secondary school
  13. calculus teacher – secondary school
  14. career and life management teacher
  15. career and technology studies teacher
  16. career education teacher
  17. career exploration teacher
  18. chemistry teacher – secondary school
  19. classical languages secondary school teacher
  20. commerce teacher – secondary school
  21. computer technology teacher – secondary school
  22. cooking teacher – secondary school
  23. cooperative education teacher
  24. cooperative learning teacher
  25. correspondence teacher – secondary school
  26. data processing teacher – secondary school
  27. distance education teacher – secondary school
  28. drama teacher – secondary school
  29. economics teacher – secondary school
  30. English as a second language (ESL) high school teacher
  31. English literature high school teacher
  32. English teacher – secondary school
  33. ethics teacher – secondary school
  34. fine arts teacher – secondary school
  35. French as a second language teacher – secondary school
  36. French teacher – secondary school
  37. geography teacher – secondary school
  38. geometry teacher – secondary school
  39. German teacher – secondary school
  40. Greek teacher – secondary school
  41. guest teacher – secondary school
  42. health education teacher – secondary school
  43. high school teacher
  44. high school teacher – outdoor activities
  45. history teacher – secondary school
  46. home economics teacher – secondary school
  47. humanities teacher – high school
  48. industrial and vocational education teacher – secondary school
  49. industrial arts teacher – secondary school
  50. information technology teacher – secondary school
  51. Italian teacher – secondary school
  52. Latin teacher – secondary school
  53. librarian-teacher – high school
  54. mathematics teacher – secondary school
  55. modern languages teacher – secondary school
  56. music teacher – secondary school
  57. Native school community teacher – secondary school
  58. outdoor physical education teacher – secondary school
  59. physical and health education teacher – secondary school
  60. physical education teacher – secondary school
  61. physical science teacher – secondary school
  62. physics teacher – secondary school
  63. practical and applied arts teacher
  64. private teacher – secondary school
  65. reading clinician – secondary school
  66. religious education high school teacher
  67. remedial teacher – secondary school
  68. school teacher – secondary school
  69. science high school teacher
  70. science teacher – secondary school
  71. secondary school department head
  72. secondary school reading clinician
  73. secondary school teacher
  74. secondary school vocational teacher
  75. sewing teacher – secondary school
  76. sheet metal instructor – secondary school
  77. social sciences teacher – secondary school
  78. Spanish teacher – secondary school
  79. special education teacher – secondary school
  80. special needs teacher – secondary school
  81. special programs teacher – secondary school
  82. substitute high school teacher
  83. substitute teacher – secondary school
  84. supply high school teacher
  85. technical and vocational teacher – secondary school
  86. trades instructor – secondary school
  87. vocational high school teacher
  88. vocational secondary school teacher
  89. vocational teacher – secondary school

Elementary school and kindergarten teachers (38)

  1. Aboriginal school teacher – elementary school
  2. art teacher – elementary school
  3. cooking teacher – elementary school
  4. correspondence teacher – elementary school
  5. crafts teacher – elementary school
  6. early childhood services teacher – elementary school
  7. elementary school reading clinician
  8. elementary school substitute teacher
  9. elementary school supply teacher
  10. elementary school teacher
  11. English as a second language elementary school teacher
  12. English as a second language teacher – elementary school
  13. English teacher – elementary school
  14. French as a second language elementary school teacher
  15. French as a second language teacher – elementary school
  16. French immersion teacher – elementary school
  17. French teacher – elementary school
  18. grade school teacher
  19. home economics teacher – elementary school
  20. industrial arts teacher – elementary school
  21. junior high school teacher
  22. kindergarten teacher
  23. language teacher – elementary school
  24. music teacher – elementary school
  25. nature study teacher – elementary school
  26. physical education teacher – elementary school
  27. primary school teacher
  28. reading clinician – elementary school
  29. remedial teacher – elementary school
  30. sewing teacher – elementary school
  31. special education teacher – elementary school
  32. special education teacher – primary school
  33. special needs teacher – elementary school
  34. substitute teacher – elementary school
  35. supply teacher – elementary school
  36. teacher – junior kindergarten
  37. teacher-librarian – elementary school
  38. visiting teacher – elementary school

Educational counsellors                                                          (31)

  1. academic adviser
  2. academic counsellor
  3. academic skills counsellor
  4. career counsellor – education
  5. college counsellor
  6. co-op officer – schools
  7. co-op placement officer – school
  8. co-op program co-ordinator – school
  9. counselling intern
  10. counsellor for Aboriginal students
  11. education officer
  12. educational counsellor
  13. educational guidance director
  14. First Nations counsellor – education
  15. First Nations studies program academic adviser
  16. guidance counsellor
  17. guidance service head
  18. independent or applied studies officer
  19. international student adviser
  20. learning and study skills specialist
  21. personal academic counsellor
  22. personal counsellor – education
  23. school adjustment officer
  24. school counsellor
  25. school guidance department head
  26. student affairs and employment officer
  27. student counsellor
  28. student employment services co-ordinator
  29. student services counsellor
  30. university counsellor
  31. vocational counsellor – education

Judges  (31)

  1. administrative judge
  2. appellate court judge
  3. associate chief justice
  4. chief justice
  5. county court judge
  6. county judge
  7. Court of Queen’s Bench justice
  8. deputy justice
  9. district and surrogate court judge
  10. district court judge
  11. family court judge
  12. federal court justice
  13. federal court justice – trial division
  14. Federal Court of Appeal justice
  15. federal trial court justice
  16. judge – law
  17. justice
  18. juvenile court judge
  19. magistrate court judge
  20. probate court judge
  21. provincial court judge
  22. provincial court of appeal justice
  23. provincial supreme court justice
  24. puisne judge
  25. small claims court judge
  26. superior court justice
  27. Supreme Court justice
  28. Supreme Court of Canada justice
  29. Tax Court judge
  30. trial court judge
  31. youth court judge

Lawyers and Quebec notaries  (85)

  1. administrative lawyer
  2. advisory counsel
  3. articling law student
  4. assistant corporate counsel
  5. assistant Crown attorney
  6. assistant general solicitor
  7. assistant legal advisor
  8. assistant regional counsel
  9. associate counsel
  10. associate lawyer
  11. associate legal advisor
  12. associate legal counsel
  13. attorney
  14. attorney-at-law
  15. attorney’s assistant chief agent
  16. barrister
  17. barrister and solicitor
  18. city attorney
  19. city solicitor
  20. civil lawyer
  21. claim attorney
  22. commercial law notary
  23. commercial lawyer
  24. contract counsel
  25. corporate counsel
  26. corporate notary (Quebec)
  27. corporation lawyer
  28. counsel
  29. counsellor-at-law
  30. counsellor-lawyer
  31. county attorney
  32. criminal lawyer
  33. Crown attorney
  34. Crown corporation counsel
  35. Crown counsel
  36. Crown prosecutor
  37. defence counsel
  38. departmental solicitor
  39. deputy city solicitor
  40. family and estates lawyer
  41. general counsel
  42. general solicitor
  43. immigration lawyer
  44. industrial lawyer
  45. in-house legal counsel
  46. insurance lawyer
  47. intellectual-property lawyer
  48. judicial assistant – Supreme Court
  49. labour lawyer
  50. law and corporate affairs adviser
  51. law partner
  52. lawyer
  53. legal advisor
  54. legal advocate
  55. legal aid lawyer
  56. legal attaché
  57. legal counsel
  58. legal officer
  59. legislative adviser
  60. legislative counsel
  61. litigator
  62. municipal solicitor
  63. notary (Quebec)
  64. patent counsel
  65. patent lawyer
  66. patent solicitor
  67. prosecuting attorney
  68. prosecutor
  69. Quebec notary
  70. Queen’s Counsel
  71. real estate lawyer
  72. regional attorney
  73. regional Crown prosecutor
  74. review lawyer
  75. solicitor
  76. special prosecutor
  77. staff counsel
  78. staff lawyer
  79. staff solicitor
  80. student-at-law
  81. tariff counsel
  82. tax attorney
  83. tax lawyer
  84. title lawyer
  85. trademark lawyer

Psychologists \(31)

  1. behavioural modification psychologist
  2. behavioural psychologist
  3. behavioural therapist
  4. behaviourist
  5. biopsychologist
  6. chartered psychologist
  7. child psychologist
  8. clinical psychologist
  9. cognitive psychologist
  10. community psychologist
  11. counselling psychologist
  12. developmental psychologist
  13. educational psychologist
  14. experimental psychologist
  15. forensic psychologist
  16. human development psychologist
  17. industrial psychologist
  18. intern psychologist
  19. neuropsychologist
  20. organizational psychologist
  21. physiological psychologist
  22. psychological associate
  23. psychologist
  24. psychologist – counselling
  25. psychotherapist
  26. registered psychologist
  27. research psychologist
  28. school psychologist
  29. social psychologist
  30. sports psychologist
  31. vocational psychologist

Social workers  (25)

  1. addiction social worker
  2. case management consultant – social work
  3. case management social worker
  4. case work consultant – social work
  5. casework supervisor – social work
  6. caseworker – social work
  7. certified social worker
  8. child welfare social worker
  9. children’s aid investigator
  10. co-ordinator of social work
  11. family social worker
  12. geriatric social worker
  13. group social worker
  14. human relations officer – social work
  15. intake worker – social services
  16. medical social worker
  17. psychiatric social worker
  18. registered social worker
  19. school social worker
  20. social casework consultant
  21. social work co-ordinator
  22. social work officer
  23. social work supervisor
  24. social worker
  25. social workers supervisor

Family, marriage and other related counsellors (51)

  1. addictions counsellor
  2. alcohol addiction counsellor
  3. behavioural consultant
  4. bereavement counsellor
  5. child and family counsellor
  6. child and youth counsellor
  7. children’s counsellor
  8. clinical counsellor
  9. community mental health counsellor
  10. counselling program supervisor
  11. counsellor for persons who are intellectually impaired
  12. couples therapist
  13. crisis counsellor
  14. disability consultant
  15. drug addiction counsellor
  16. eating disorder therapist
  17. family counsellor
  18. family planning counsellor
  19. family therapist
  20. family therapist (FT)
  21. gambling addictions counsellor
  22. gambling addictions therapist
  23. genetic counsellor
  24. grief counsellor
  25. group home counsellor
  26. human relations officer – family and children’s services
  27. human relations officer – family therapy
  28. marital counsellor
  29. marriage and family therapist
  30. marriage and family therapist (MFT)
  31. marriage consultant
  32. marriage counsellor
  33. marriage therapist
  34. marriage therapist (MT)
  35. mental health counsellor
  36. play therapist
  37. preretirement counsellor
  38. psychoeducational consultant
  39. psychoeducator
  40. registered clinical counsellor
  41. registered family therapist
  42. registered marriage and family therapist
  43. registered marriage therapist
  44. rehabilitation counsellor
  45. sex therapist
  46. sexologist
  47. special needs counsellor
  48. vocational rehabilitation consultant
  49. vocational rehabilitation counsellor
  50. welfare organization counsellor
  51. zootherapist

Professional occupations in religion (25)

  1. archbishop
  2. archdeacon
  3. assistant minister – religion
  4. bishop
  5. cardinal
  6. chancellor – religion
  7. chaplain
  8. clergyman/woman
  9. curate
  10. evangelist
  11. granthi
  12. imam
  13. minister
  14. minister – religion
  15. moderator – religion
  16. officiating clergyman/woman
  17. parish priest
  18. pastor
  19. preacher
  20. presbyter
  21. priest
  22. rabbi
  23. reverend
  24. Salvation Army commissioned officer
  25. television evangelist

Probation and parole officers and related occupations  (14)

  1. case management worker – corrections
  2. case manager – corrections
  3. classification counsellor – corrections
  4. classification officer – correctional institution
  5. clemency officer – corrections
  6. community case manager officer – corrections
  7. correctional centre caseworker
  8. parole officer
  9. parole supervisor
  10. probation and parole officer
  11. probation officer
  12. social assistance program officer – corrections
  13. welfare program officer – corrections
  14. youth worker – corrections

Employment counsellors (31)

  1. Aboriginal employment developer
  2. Aboriginal employment officer
  3. Aboriginal employment worker
  4. career coach
  5. career counsellor (except education)
  6. career development counsellor
  7. career development facilitator
  8. career development practitioner
  9. career group facilitator
  10. career resource centre co-ordinator
  11. employment assistance officer
  12. employment consultant
  13. employment counsellor
  14. employment counsellor – government services
  15. employment group counsellor
  16. employment outreach counsellor
  17. employment outreach program co-ordinator
  18. employment outreach program counsellor
  19. employment services assessment officer
  20. employment services group counsellor
  21. employment services officer
  22. job counsellor
  23. job counsellor – government services
  24. job search trainer
  25. labour market information consultant
  26. outplacement consultant
  27. outplacement counsellor
  28. relocation consultant
  29. relocation counsellor
  30. workforce adjustment officer
  31. workforce development officer

Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers (64)

  1. agricultural association analyst
  2. agricultural issues lobbyist
  3. certified ergonomist
  4. certified industrial hygienist
  5. communications policy researcher
  6. disaster emergency response planner
  7. emergency management analyst
  8. emergency preparedness planner
  9. energy policy analyst
  10. energy program officer
  11. environmental advisor (except engineer)
  12. environmental consultant (except engineer)
  13. environmental education consultant
  14. environmental impact analyst
  15. environmental issues lobbyist
  16. environmental lobbyist
  17. environmental program co-ordinator
  18. environmental program development supervisor
  19. environmental program manager
  20. ergonomics consultant
  21. ergonomics specialist
  22. ergonomist
  23. fisheries analyst
  24. fisheries program officer
  25. human factors engineer
  26. human factors specialist (except engineer)
  27. industrial hygienist
  28. industrial waste reduction program co-ordinator
  29. interface ergonomist
  30. multimedia ergonomist
  31. municipal recycling program co-ordinator
  32. natural and applied sciences consultant
  33. natural and applied sciences policy advisor
  34. natural and applied sciences policy analyst
  35. natural and applied sciences program officer
  36. natural and applied sciences researcher
  37. natural resources planner
  38. natural resources policy analyst
  39. occupational hygiene officer
  40. occupational hygienist
  41. patent agent
  42. patent searcher
  43. program co-ordinator – environmental organization
  44. recycling co-ordinator – residuals management
  45. recycling program co-ordinator
  46. regional recycling and waste reduction program co-ordinator
  47. registered occupational hygienist
  48. registered patent agent
  49. scientific consultant
  50. solid waste program co-ordinator
  51. solid waste program manager
  52. technology transfer officer
  53. transportation program analyst
  54. transportation safety analyst
  55. waste diversion consultant
  56. waste diversion program co-ordinator
  57. waste diversion program manager
  58. waste management program co-ordinator
  59. waste reduction and recycling officer
  60. waste reduction education program officer
  61. waste reduction program co-ordinator
  62. wind energy analyst
  63. work site analyst
  64. work site auditor

Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts (48)

  1. agricultural economist
  2. business analyst – economics
  3. business economist
  4. business intelligence analyst
  5. consumer advisor – economics
  6. development economist
  7. econometrician
  8. economic advisor
  9. economic analyst
  10. economic consultant
  11. economic policy adviser
  12. economic policy analyst
  13. economic policy researcher
  14. economic research group supervisor
  15. economist
  16. energy economist
  17. farm economist
  18. financial economist
  19. financial market economist
  20. fiscal economics analyst
  21. forest economist
  22. forest resources economist
  23. general economist
  24. health economist
  25. human resources economist
  26. industrial economist
  27. industrial relations economist
  28. industrial trade economist
  29. international trade economist
  30. investment economist
  31. labour economist
  32. labour market information analyst
  33. land use economist
  34. mathematical economist
  35. natural resources economist
  36. price economist
  37. regional economist
  38. resource economist
  39. risk management analyst
  40. salary analyst – economic policy
  41. social economist
  42. tax economist
  43. territorial resources economist
  44. trade analyst
  45. trade economist
  46. transport economist
  47. wage analyst – economic policy
  48. welfare economist

Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants (59)

  1. Aboriginal economic development officer
  2. advertising analyst
  3. agriculture and food sector development consultant
  4. agriculture and food sector marketing consultant
  5. agri-food sector development consultant
  6. agri-food sector marketing consultant
  7. analyst – market research
  8. area development officer – government
  9. business development officer
  10. business issues lobbyist
  11. category sales analyst
  12. commerce officer
  13. commercial development officer – government
  14. commercial research analyst
  15. community development consultant
  16. community economic development consultant
  17. community economic development officer
  18. economic development consultant
  19. economic development officer
  20. economic development officer – Aboriginal communities
  21. economic forecaster
  22. economic research officer
  23. industrial commissioner
  24. industrial development officer
  25. industrial development representative
  26. international development and assistance researcher
  27. international marketing specialist
  28. manufacturers’ association analyst
  29. market analyst – non-financial
  30. market intelligence analyst
  31. market research analyst
  32. market research specialist
  33. market researcher
  34. marketing analysis specialist
  35. marketing analyst
  36. marketing analyst – non-financial
  37. marketing consultant – market research
  38. marketing consultant – wholesale
  39. marketing project officer – market research
  40. marketing research specialist
  41. marketing researcher
  42. mining industry development consultant
  43. program delivery officer – business development
  44. program officer – international development agency
  45. regional development analyst
  46. regional development officer
  47. regional economic development agency officer
  48. regional industrial development officer
  49. rural development officer
  50. sales analyst
  51. small business counsellor
  52. tourism consultant – government
  53. tourism development officer
  54. tourism development officer – government
  55. tourism industry consultant
  56. tourism industry specialist
  57. tourism services co-ordinator – government
  58. trade promotion officer
  59. visitor interpretation services co-ordinator – government

Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers (119)

  1. Aboriginal affairs development officer
  2. Aboriginal affairs officer
  3. Aboriginal employment policy officer
  4. Aboriginal employment program officer
  5. Aboriginal issues lobbyist
  6. adoption project officer
  7. adviser for the integration of persons with disabilities
  8. affirmative action advisor
  9. child care licensing officer
  10. child welfare policy analyst
  11. child-care programs planning officer
  12. child-care services liaison officer
  13. citizenship officer
  14. community organizer
  15. community policing program consultant
  16. community social development officer
  17. consumer advisor
  18. correction rehabilitation program co-ordinator
  19. correctional service policy consultant
  20. employment equity adviser – social policy
  21. employment equity consultant
  22. employment equity policy analyst
  23. employment equity policy consultant
  24. employment initiatives co-ordinator
  25. employment insurance policy analysis officer
  26. employment insurance policy analyst
  27. employment insurance services adviser
  28. employment standards specialist
  29. experimental home economist
  30. extension home economist
  31. family violence prevention program adviser
  32. field representative – housing
  33. food consultant – home economics
  34. home economics consultant
  35. home economist
  36. home economist – consumer association
  37. housing policy analyst
  38. Human Rights Commission officer
  39. Human Rights Commission officers supervisor
  40. human rights officer
  41. human rights officer – government services
  42. human rights specialist
  43. immigrant settlement liaison officer
  44. immigration and demographic analysis officer
  45. immigration consultant
  46. immigration policy advisor
  47. immigration policy analyst
  48. immigration policy consultant – non-government
  49. immigration settlement practitioner
  50. income maintenance program officer
  51. international aid and development project officer
  52. international aid and development researcher
  53. international relations specialist
  54. job creation and employment services evaluation officer
  55. labour affairs officer – labour policy
  56. labour market analyst
  57. labour market information officer
  58. labour market policy officer
  59. labour mobility policy consultant
  60. labour policy analyst
  61. labour policy officer
  62. labour standards analyst
  63. multiculturalism project officer
  64. Native affairs officer
  65. Native employment program officer
  66. Native issues lobbyist
  67. occupational supply analyst
  68. peace activist
  69. peace researcher
  70. political organizer
  71. pollster
  72. poverty researcher
  73. psychology assistant (except university)
  74. public assistance adviser
  75. public housing officer
  76. public housing policy analyst
  77. public opinion survey researcher
  78. public rights co-ordinator
  79. race relations officer
  80. refugee affairs program officer
  81. research home economist
  82. settlement counsellor
  83. settlement liaison officer
  84. settlement practitioner
  85. social and community care licensing officer
  86. social assistance advisor
  87. social assistance policy analyst
  88. social development officer
  89. social issues researcher
  90. social policy advisor
  91. social policy analyst
  92. social policy consultant
  93. social policy planning consultant
  94. social policy researcher
  95. social program officer
  96. social researcher
  97. social science researcher
  98. social service program officer
  99. social services consultant
  100. social services planner
  101. social services planning consultant
  102. social services program officers supervisor
  103. social services program planner
  104. social survey researcher (except statistician)
  105. social survey researchers supervisor
  106. social welfare advisor
  107. social welfare research officer
  108. socio-economic research and planning officer
  109. status of women’s directorate policy analyst
  110. textile and clothing consultant – home economics
  111. visible minorities policy officer
  112. welfare policy analysts supervisor
  113. women’s employment policy consultant
  114. women’s issues lobbyist
  115. women’s program co-ordinator
  116. women’s shelter program co-ordinator
  117. women’s status policy consultant
  118. workers’ compensation officer
  119. workers’ compensation policy analyst

Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers    (40)

  1. child health care programs planning officer
  2. clinical research associate
  3. clinical research program manager
  4. clinical trials co-ordinator
  5. coroner
  6. decision support analyst – health
  7. decision support specialist – health
  8. dental health consultant
  9. drug and alcohol abuse consultant
  10. health and social services institution accreditation officer
  11. health and social services liaison officer
  12. health care association program officer
  13. health care consultant
  14. health care planner
  15. health care planning consultant
  16. health care planning officer
  17. health care program administration officer
  18. health care researcher
  19. health educator
  20. health policy development officer
  21. health policy research analyst
  22. health program information analyst
  23. health promotion program officer
  24. health research officer
  25. health services consultant
  26. health services program consultant
  27. health services research officer
  28. health services researcher
  29. home-care programs consultant
  30. labour force planning consultant – health sector
  31. long-term care program consultant
  32. medical adjudicator – Canada Pension Plan
  33. mental health programs consultant
  34. nursing home guidelines development officer
  35. nursing home policy development officer
  36. planning co-ordinator – district health council program
  37. policy development officer – nursing homes
  38. wellness consultant
  39. wellness co-ordinator
  40. wellness program co-ordinator

Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers (45)

  1. adult education consultant
  2. adult education program officer
  3. andragogy specialist
  4. art co-ordinator – education
  5. board of education inspector
  6. curriculum consultant
  7. curriculum developer
  8. curriculum planner
  9. distance education program co-ordinator
  10. distance education project officer
  11. education consultant
  12. education outreach program co-ordinator
  13. education policy advisor
  14. education policy analyst
  15. education policy consultant
  16. education policy officer
  17. education policy supervisor
  18. education program co-ordinator
  19. education program officer
  20. education program planner
  21. education research officer
  22. education researcher
  23. education science specialist
  24. educational and vocational information specialist
  25. heritage languages education consultant
  26. inspector – education
  27. language assessor
  28. language assessor – education
  29. languages co-ordinator – education
  30. literacy coach
  31. mathematics co-ordinator – education
  32. music co-ordinator – education
  33. official languages education officer
  34. physical education co-ordinator – education
  35. program co-ordinator – education
  36. program development specialist – college
  37. school adjustment specialist
  38. school inspector
  39. school subjects consultant
  40. science co-ordinator – education
  41. special education consultant
  42. special education co-ordinator
  43. special education co-ordinator – education
  44. subject consultant – education
  45. teaching consultant

Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers  (71)

  1. aquatic program co-ordinator
  2. arts and crafts programs co-ordinator
  3. community recreation and leisure consultant
  4. community recreation and leisure counsellor
  5. community recreation co-ordinator
  6. community recreational and leisure programs consultant
  7. community recreational and leisure programs counsellor
  8. employee fitness consultant
  9. employee fitness counsellor
  10. fitness analyst
  11. fitness consultant
  12. fitness co-ordinator
  13. fitness policy analyst
  14. fitness program consultant
  15. fitness programs supervisor
  16. geriatric activities co-ordinator
  17. geriatric recreational and leisure activities consultant
  18. geriatric recreational and leisure activities co-ordinator
  19. geriatric recreational and leisure activities counsellor
  20. leisure activities consultant
  21. leisure activities counsellor
  22. leisure activities program co-ordinator
  23. leisure analyst
  24. leisure consultant
  25. leisure co-ordinator
  26. leisure counsellor
  27. leisure policy analyst
  28. leisure program co-ordinator
  29. leisure services co-ordinator
  30. nautical activities co-ordinator
  31. nautical programs co-ordinator
  32. pool activities co-ordinator
  33. program supervisor – sports and leisure
  34. recreation analyst
  35. recreation and leisure programs supervisor
  36. recreation and leisure supervisor
  37. recreation consultant
  38. recreation co-ordinator
  39. recreation counsellor
  40. recreation policy analyst
  41. recreation programmer
  42. recreation services co-ordinator
  43. recreation supervisor
  44. recreation, sports or fitness policy analyst
  45. recreational activities consultant
  46. recreational activities co-ordinator
  47. recreational activities counsellor
  48. recreational activities program co-ordinator
  49. recreational programs co-ordinator
  50. recreationist – geriatrics
  51. recreologist
  52. sports activities co-ordinator
  53. sports analyst
  54. sports and leisure counsellor
  55. sports and recreation consultant
  56. sports and recreation counsellor
  57. sports consultant
  58. sports co-ordinator
  59. sports counsellor
  60. sports policy analyst
  61. sports program co-ordinator – sports and recreation
  62. sports program supervisor
  63. sports programs co-ordinator
  64. sports projects officer
  65. sports supervisor
  66. sports, recreation and leisure supervisor
  67. sports, recreational and leisure programs supervisor
  68. teen club programs co-ordinator
  69. youth recreational and leisure activities consultant
  70. youth recreational and leisure activities counsellor
  71. youth recreational and leisure activities program co-ordinator

Program officers unique to government  (53)

  1. Aboriginal land claims liaison officer
  2. attaché
  3. board member – government services
  4. deputy returning officer
  5. diplomat
  6. election commission officer
  7. elections officer
  8. extraparliamentary commission officer
  9. federal and intergovernmental affairs research officer – government services
  10. federal-provincial relations officer
  11. first secretary – foreign service
  12. foreign service officer
  13. government official
  14. health authority board member
  15. House of Commons committee officer
  16. House of Commons officer
  17. intelligence analyst – security
  18. intelligence officer – security
  19. intelligence operator – security
  20. intergovernmental affairs officer
  21. labour relations commission officer
  22. legislative committee officer
  23. legislative council officer
  24. Native land claims liaison officer
  25. Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons officer
  26. office of the Speaker officer
  27. official languages commission officer
  28. official languages promotion officer
  29. parole board member
  30. Premier’s Office officer (provincial government)
  31. Prime Minister’s Office officer (federal government)
  32. Privy Council Office officer
  33. protocol officer
  34. protocol officer – government services
  35. public inquiries officer
  36. refugee board member
  37. regional committee officer – government services
  38. regional council officer
  39. research officer – federal and intergovernmental affairs
  40. returning officer
  41. royal commission officer
  42. second secretary – foreign service
  43. select committee officer
  44. Senate committee officer
  45. standing committee officer
  46. standing or select committee officer
  47. task force officer
  48. territorial council officer
  49. third secretary – foreign service
  50. tribunal chairperson
  51. tribunal member
  52. tribunal officer
  53. tribunal officer – government services

Other professional occupations in social science, n.e.c. (62)

  1. anthropologist
  2. applied anthropologist
  3. applied geographer
  4. applied linguist
  5. archaeological consultant
  6. archaeological field worker
  7. archaeologist
  8. biogeographer
  9. biological anthropologist
  10. criminologist
  11. cultural anthropologist
  12. cultural geographer
  13. diplomatic historian
  14. dramatic arts historian
  15. economic geographer
  16. economic historian
  17. educational sociologist
  18. ethnographer
  19. ethnologist
  20. etymologist
  21. genealogist
  22. geographer
  23. gerontologist
  24. graphoanalyst
  25. graphologist
  26. handwriting analyst
  27. handwriting expert
  28. historian
  29. historical geographer
  30. industrial geographer
  31. industrial sociologist
  32. linguist
  33. linguistic anthropologist
  34. medical sociologist
  35. military historian
  36. penologist
  37. philologist
  38. philosopher
  39. physical anthropologist
  40. physical geographer
  41. political geographer
  42. political historian
  43. political scientist
  44. politicist
  45. psycholinguist
  46. psychometrician
  47. psychometrist
  48. quantitative historian
  49. research anthropologist
  50. research archaeologist
  51. rural sociologist
  52. scientific handwriting expert
  53. social and cultural anthropologist
  54. social anthropologist
  55. social ecologist
  56. social historian
  57. social scientist
  58. sociolinguist
  59. sociologist
  60. theatre historian
  61. urban geographer
  62. urban sociologist

Paralegal and related occupations (58)

  1. abstractor
  2. brief writer – law
  3. British Columbia notary public
  4. collection paralegal
  5. commercial law clerk
  6. commercial law paralegal
  7. contract clerk – law
  8. conveyance clerk
  9. copyright agent
  10. corporate law and litigation clerk
  11. corporate law clerk
  12. corporate paralegal
  13. corporate securities law clerk
  14. corporation paralegal
  15. court and tribunal agent
  16. criminal law clerk
  17. criminal law paralegal
  18. family law clerk
  19. family law paralegal
  20. foreclosure clerk
  21. foreclosure paralegal
  22. independent paralegal
  23. insurance law clerk
  24. insurance paralegal
  25. labour law clerk
  26. labour law paralegal
  27. land titles clerk
  28. land titles examiner
  29. law clerk
  30. law clerk to judge
  31. lay notary public
  32. lease and title clerk
  33. legal researcher
  34. legal technician
  35. litigation law clerk
  36. litigation paralegal
  37. mortgage and real estate paralegal
  38. notary public
  39. notary public (British Columbia)
  40. notary public (outside Quebec)
  41. notary public clerk
  42. oil and gas property paralegal
  43. oil and gas rights law clerk
  44. oil and gas rights paralegal
  45. paralegal
  46. property paralegal
  47. real estate law clerk
  48. real estate paralegal
  49. registered trademark agent
  50. tax law clerk
  51. tax paralegal
  52. title and lease clerk
  53. title examiner
  54. title searcher
  55. trademark agent
  56. transfer-of-title clerk
  57. wills and estates law clerk
  58. wills and estates paralegal

Social and community service workers  (105)

  1. Aboriginal centre co-ordinator
  2. Aboriginal outreach officer – social services
  3. Aboriginal outreach worker
  4. addictions worker
  5. addictions worker – compulsive gambling
  6. case aide – social services
  7. certified return-to-work co-ordinator – disability management
  8. certified return-to-work facilitator – disability management
  9. child and youth worker
  10. child life specialist
  11. child welfare worker
  12. child-care worker (except day care)
  13. community and social services worker
  14. community centre co-ordinator
  15. community centre worker
  16. community counsellor – social services
  17. community development worker
  18. community liaison worker
  19. community mental health worker
  20. community organization worker
  21. community rehabilitation worker
  22. community service worker
  23. community services officer – social services
  24. community worker
  25. crisis intervention worker
  26. detention home worker
  27. development service worker
  28. developmental service worker
  29. disability management worker
  30. drop-in centre worker
  31. drug addiction worker
  32. eligibility co-ordinator – social assistance
  33. eligibility co-ordinator – welfare
  34. exceptional-child-care worker (except day care)
  35. family service worker
  36. financial assistance officer – social assistance
  37. financial assistance worker – social services
  38. group home operator
  39. group home worker
  40. halfway house supervisor
  41. halfway house worker
  42. help centre supervisor – social services
  43. hostel co-ordinator
  44. hostel outreach worker
  45. income maintenance officer – social services
  46. independent living instructor
  47. intellectual disabilities worker
  48. Itinerant support service worker
  49. life skills coach
  50. life skills instructor
  51. meals-on-wheels worker
  52. mental health proctor
  53. mental health support worker
  54. mental health worker
  55. Native centre co-ordinator
  56. Native community worker
  57. Native outreach officer – social services
  58. Native outreach worker
  59. neighbourhood worker – social services
  60. peer support worker
  61. personal skills development instructor – social services
  62. psychological assistant
  63. registered social service worker
  64. rehabilitation officer – social services
  65. rehabilitation service worker
  66. rehabilitation worker – social services
  67. residence co-ordinator – group home
  68. residential counsellor – group home
  69. return-to-work co-ordinator – disability management
  70. return-to-work facilitator – disability management
  71. settlement worker – community services
  72. shelter supervisor – social services
  73. shelter workshop supervisor
  74. social aid officer
  75. social animator
  76. social assistance officer
  77. social rehabilitation officer
  78. social rehabilitation technician
  79. social rehabilitation worker
  80. social services assistant
  81. social services volunteer co-ordinator
  82. social services worker
  83. social welfare officer
  84. special education technician – social and community services
  85. street outreach worker
  86. streetworker – social services
  87. substance abuse worker
  88. supervised access worker
  89. transition home worker – social services
  90. transition house worker – social services
  91. veteran services officer
  92. veterans’ affairs field officer
  93. welfare and compensation officer
  94. welfare organization supervisor
  95. welfare worker
  96. women’s centre co-ordinator – social services
  97. women’s centre program supervisor – social services
  98. women’s centre supervisor – social services
  99. women’s shelter supervisor
  100. women’s shelter supervisor – social services
  101. youth development co-ordinator
  102. youth hostel co-ordinator
  103. youth services worker
  104. youth worker
  105. youth worker – social services

Early childhood educators and assistants (33)

  1. baby-care worker
  2. baby-care worker assistant
  3. baby-care workers supervisor
  4. child care worker – daycare
  5. child care worker assistant
  6. daycare aide
  7. daycare attendant
  8. daycare co-ordinator
  9. daycare helper
  10. daycare supervisor
  11. daycare teacher
  12. daycare worker
  13. daycare worker assistant
  14. early childhood assistant
  15. early childhood education worker
  16. early childhood educator – junior kindergarten
  17. early childhood educator – kindergarten
  18. early childhood educator – preschool
  19. early childhood educator (ECE)
  20. early childhood educator (ECE) assistant
  21. early childhood educator assistant – junior kindergarten
  22. early childhood educator assistant – kindergarten
  23. early childhood program staff assistant
  24. early childhood program supervisor
  25. early childhood supervisor
  26. educator assistant – junior kindergarten
  27. infant daycare workers supervisor
  28. infants’ daycare worker
  29. nursery school aide
  30. nursery school helper
  31. nursery school teacher
  32. preschool helper
  33. preschool supervisor

Instructors of persons with disabilities (39)

  1. braille instructor
  2. braille teacher
  3. finger-spelling teacher
  4. instructor of persons with a mobility impairment
  5. instructor of persons who are blind
  6. instructor of persons who are deaf
  7. instructor of persons who are hard of hearing
  8. instructor of persons with a learning disability
  9. instructor of persons with a visual impairment
  10. instructor of persons with developmental disabilities
  11. instructor of persons with disabilities
  12. instructor of persons with intellectual disabilities
  13. instructor of persons with special needs
  14. job coach for persons with disabilities
  15. lip-reading instructor
  16. lip-reading teacher
  17. orientation and mobility instructor
  18. orientation and mobility instructor for persons with a visual impairment
  19. orientation and mobility teacher for persons who are blind
  20. orientation and mobility teacher of persons with a visual impairment
  21. rehabilitation instructor for persons who are blind
  22. rehabilitation instructor of persons with a visual impairment
  23. rehabilitation teacher
  24. rehabilitation teacher for persons who are blind
  25. rehabilitation teacher of persons with a visual impairment
  26. sign language instructor
  27. sign language teacher
  28. special education technician – persons with disabilities
  29. special programs instructor for persons with disabilities
  30. teacher for persons with autism
  31. teacher for persons with intellectual disabilities
  32. teacher of braille
  33. teacher of persons who are blind
  34. teacher of persons who are deaf
  35. teacher of persons who are hard of hearing
  36. teacher of persons who are hearing impaired
  37. teacher of persons with a mobility impairment
  38. teacher of persons with a visual impairment
  39. teacher of persons with developmental disabilities

Other instructors (19)

  1. auto-driving instructor
  2. beauty culture school instructor
  3. child safety educator
  4. driver’s licence examiner
  5. driving examiner
  6. driving instructor
  7. driving school instructor
  8. first aid instructor
  9. gourmet cooking instructor – non-vocational
  10. modelling and finishing school instructor
  11. motorcycle driving instructor
  12. sailing instructor
  13. self-improvement course instructor
  14. sewing instructor – non-vocational
  15. sewing teacher – non-vocational
  16. small-boat navigation instructor
  17. truck driving instructor
  18. tutor – elementary school subjects
  19. tutor – secondary school subjects

Other religious occupations (32)

  1. animator – spiritual guidance
  2. brother/sister – religion
  3. cantor
  4. Christian Science nurse – non-medical
  5. Christian science practitioner
  6. Christian science worker
  7. church worker
  8. corporate intercessor
  9. deacon
  10. deaconess
  11. exegete
  12. faith healer
  13. gospel worker
  14. hazzan
  15. home mission worker – religion
  16. missionary
  17. mohel
  18. monk
  19. mother superior/religious superior
  20. novice – religion
  21. nun
  22. panthee
  23. pastoral animator
  24. postulant
  25. ragi
  26. religious education worker
  27. religious superior – religious community
  28. religious superior/mother superior
  29. Salvation Army captain
  30. Salvation Army field worker
  31. Salvation Army worker
  32. sister/brother – religion

Police officers (except commissioned) (63)

  1. bodyguard – police
  2. Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) investigator
  3. canine-team member – police
  4. community police officer
  5. community relations officer – police
  6. community services officer – police
  7. constable
  8. counterfeit and forgery section detective
  9. crime prevention constable
  10. crime scene technician – police
  11. desk officer – police
  12. detective – police
  13. divisional diving supervisor – police
  14. dog master – police
  15. drug investigator – police
  16. education relations officer – policing
  17. ethnic relations officer – police
  18. evidence technician – police
  19. harbour police officer
  20. harbour police sergeant
  21. harbour policeman/woman
  22. headquarters duty officer – police
  23. highway patrol officer
  24. highway patrolman/woman
  25. identification officer – police
  26. investigator – police
  27. morality officer – police
  28. motorcycle patrolman/woman – police
  29. mounted police constable
  30. mounted policeman/woman
  31. narcotics squad detective
  32. patrol officer – police
  33. peace officer
  34. plain-clothes officer
  35. police cadet
  36. police constable
  37. police corporal
  38. police diver
  39. police diver – salvage
  40. police investigator
  41. police officer
  42. police sergeant
  43. policeman/woman
  44. railway guard – police
  45. railway investigator – police
  46. railway police constable
  47. railway police officer
  48. railway special agent – police
  49. recruitment and training officer – police
  50. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer
  51. safety patrol officer – police
  52. school liaison officer – police
  53. school safety officer – police
  54. scuba diver – police
  55. scuba-diving specialist – police
  56. secret service officer
  57. security constable – police
  58. security officer – police
  59. staff sergeant – police
  60. station duty officer – police
  61. station officer – police
  62. traffic patrol officer
  63. vice squad detective

Firefighters (18)

  1. airport firefighter
  2. communication service firefighter
  3. crash firefighter
  4. fire captain
  5. fire department platoon chief
  6. fire inspector
  7. fire lieutenant
  8. fire prevention officer
  9. fire safety inspection firefighter
  10. firefighter
  11. firefighter apprentice
  12. firefighter lieutenant
  13. firefighter-inspector
  14. industrial complex firefighter
  15. industrial firefighter
  16. shipboard firefighter
  17. structural firefighter
  18. training firefighter

Non-commissioned ranks of the Canadian Armed Forces (30)

  1. able seaman – armed forces
  2. armour defence gunner
  3. armoured soldier
  4. artillery soldier
  5. assault pioneer
  6. chief petty officer first class
  7. chief petty officer second class
  8. chief warrant officer
  9. combat engineer
  10. corporal
  11. infanteer
  12. infantry soldier
  13. leading seaman
  14. master corporal
  15. master seaman
  16. master warrant officer
  17. military police officer
  18. military policeman/woman
  19. mortarman/woman
  20. naval acoustics operator
  21. naval electronics technician – armed forces
  22. ordinary seaman – armed forces
  23. petty officer first class
  24. petty officer second class
  25. private
  26. private recruit
  27. reconnaissance patrolman
  28. sergeant
  29. trooper
  30. warrant officer